The first thing I want you to do is, if possible, learn by heart the Robert Monroe quote that can be found at the Robert Monroe website. You can even listen to Robert Monroe repeating it. It is the gateway affirmation on the right.
You can reword it if you prefer as long as the basic meaning is not changed.
There are several reasons for doing this which I have described after the quote. There are several reasons for learning this.
1. You are stating your desire to go deeper into who you are.
2. You are stating your desire to be guided by individuals who have your best interests at heart. There are astral beings who may be at a lower level of development than you but may like to play at being a ‘guru’ or ‘guide’ as it gives them a sense of importance. Just because someone is no longer physical doesn’t mean they have infinite wisdom.
3. You are asking for protection from anything that might interfere with your desires. There are astral beings who like to interfere and ‘play’ with astral projectors, so it is always best to ask for protection.
4. It is also an exercise to focus your mind, any exercise that helps to focus your mind and concentrate helps in controling your mind. In the astral it is of utmost importance that we are tuned in and fully aware, not lost in the thoughts running around in our minds.
5. Repeat it like you mean it. Simply learning it off by heart and repeating it without thinking about the words won’t work. When you repeat it, think about the words and what they mean. Feel the desire you have to go deeper into who you are and want it with all your heart.
Repeat it whenever you find yourself waiting in a queue, shopping or in the bank, before you go to sleep, washing up, doing housework etc. Don’t focus on it when you should be focusing on something else that needs your full attention.
A Dream/OBE Diary
Get yourself organised with a diary or journal, you can write it by hand, type into a computer or record your dreams/experiences on a voice recorder. I prefer to write by hand on a loose piece of paper which I then insert into one of those folders with transparent pockets, in this way if I find myself with a spare moment during the day and I haven’t got my diary with me I can write up a dream or OBE and insert it into the folder. As soon as you wake up in the morning write down your dreams if you have time, or if not, write down notes that will remind you of the dream so you can write it down later. Give each dream or experience a title. If you have trouble remembering your dreams, before you go to sleep tell yourself, ‘I remember my dreams, I remember my dreams.’ Spend a few minutes in the morning just before you get up in the zone between waking and sleeping, relax in that state often dreams come back to you while in that state of half-awake/half-asleep. There are several reasons for recording dreams and any experiences you may have during the night.
1. It improves your dream/OBE recall, the more you try to remember, the more you will remember.
2. It is another way of training the mind to focus. 3. What we dream is what we have in our minds, finding out who we are involves looking at what we have running around in our heads. Believe me some strange stuff can come out, stuff you were totally unaware of.
Of course there are many different types of dreams, e.g. those dreams we have after a busy stressful day that seem just so crazy and mixed up. Often we have these if we have not quietened our mind before sleeping. Then there are dreams that make us sit up and pay attention. With time you will learn to look at your dreams and recognise the type of dream you are dealing with.
This is not a dream course, but the ability to remember dreams, to understand those dreams and to become aware in dreams is a great help when engaging in out-of-body experiences. So learn the quote, say it like you mean it, and organise your dream/OBE journal.