This is a review of what we have done up to now.
Every so often it does us good to just look back and reflect on what has worked and what hasn’t. To consider if we have really put our ALL into and really focused on our goal. Just reflection and constructive thought.We may have personal goals but sometimes life gets in the way, it could also be said that we let life get in the way, it depends on the way we think. So I’ll take this opportunity to summarise what we have done so far.
The Monroe Affirmation – if you found it a bit long to learn, you could put it in your own words to make it easier.
Dream/OBE Diary – have you found any themes that run through your dreams, this could be clue as to a personal issue that needs dealing with. What sensations have you been experiencing? Have you experienced any OBEs or feelings of flying?
Spiritual Longing – have you been nurturing that feeling/desire to go deeper into who you are. To discover your soul and the world of spirit.Focus– probably one of the most difficult, our minds wander constantly in the past and the future, wondering about what might happen, thinking about what has already happened. We need to spend more time in the present.
Familiarity – have you been reading, watching videos and listening to information on the Astral. Saturating yourself with OBE stuff will help in your Astral Projection programming.
Techniques – what techniques have you tried, which one did you feel most comfortable with, did you combine techniques to one that suited you? Keep practising!
Energy Work – all important to successful Astral Projection. Are you getting to know your energy body and getting rid of any blocks you may have? We all need to get our energy body in good health and keep it there…. so important in today’s world of stresses.