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This is taken from a former written post, a few years ago now, and I wanted to make it into a podcast episode as it carries quite a powerful message. However, it does contain a true and horrific story involving the Jewish population during the second world war so don’t continue to listen or read if you are of a sensitive nature.
I had this experience the night after I had said to my higher self that I was ready for some more ‘astral rescues’ though I didn’t expect one so soon.
I usually describe my experiences in the present tense to remind myself that we are always in the present moment but this is in the past as it is from a few years ago before I took up this habit.
It started with me sleeping in a house that was a mix between two houses I have lived in before. While I am in bed I felt how I do when I am about the leave my body, so I got up out of the body that was asleep. I knew I was in the astral and I looked out of the window ready to fly through. I could see a lot of greenery outside but there was an area which stood out from the rest, it is as if I was watching a scene from another time in a type of ‘vision bubble’, the action within this area was in black and white. There were soldiers fighting and I got the impression it was a scene from World War II.
There were other people in the room with me and they were a bit afraid of flying through the window, I said it’s OK we’re out/of/body and can’t be killed.
Suddenly some men burst into the room they said they were looking for El, a child. The next thing I know I was a child being chased by soldiers, I was the child and an observer, I was trying to get out of some sort of prison. The soldiers had dogs. I managed to escape into the wood at the back of the prison. I think there was a village nearby and I got the impression that I stayed there a while, a few months or years. Then I saw the child come back to the wood and she looked to her right, my left, I followed her gaze and saw a stone alcove with a child hanging in it, the child had been hung and was dead. I couldn’t see the child’s face as it was turned way the body was also kind of huddled up and covered in black clothing.
I woke up.
In the past when I have done ‘astral rescues’ they have followed the same process, it’s as if I’m given clues as to what happened by entering into the drama of the person, into their story. I think this is often necessary in order to reach the person involved, you have to understand what they went through to build a bridge for them, out of their drama to the higher beings.
So it was World War II, the prison could have been a concentration camp, my intuition told me the girl was Jewish, the child hanging in the stone alcove was disturbing, I wasn’t aware of any reports of children being hung in the Second World War. Anyway I investigated a bit and discovered the children of Bullenhuser Damm School. Jewish children were experimented on and then in order to conceal traces of the experiments the children were taken to the basement of the above mentioned school and hung. When I found this out it made me feel sick I have to admit my day would have been happier if I hadn’t found this out, however many atrocities happen in our world, it is no good turning our backs, what we can do is try to make things better for those who suffered.
You can read the full account of what happened by researching the Children Of Bullenhuser Damm School.
At the end of 1944, there were over 300 children interned in Hut 11 at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
One of the children is named Eleonora, she was 5. My intuition tells me that El is trying to draw my attention to this horror story I think she has crossed over, the soldiers who came into the bedroom were looking for El, and in my experience described above, the child did escape the camp. This could symbolise the fact that she managed to cross over. So I’m inclined to think that she is asking for help for her friends and maybe not just her friends from the school but for the children in Hut 11 who didn’t survive, some of whom may still be lost.

The hanging child could also have been a symbol, of things still left hanging, not resolved and the black, negativity which has not yet been dealt with.
I think this situation will need a lot of work
I was thinking about the name El and the Netflix series ‘Stranger Things’ comes to mind, I had the above experience before the third season started. However, I remember in the first season El, (Eleven) was captive and tests/experiments were done on her by her captor who she called ‘Papa’. So is the El of my experience trying to draw my attention to Hut 11, to help all the children who were there. Joseph Mengele was known as the Angel of Death at Auschwitz , in ‘Me And Mengele’ By Dr. Dianne N. Irving, she writes
“During the mornings Mengele would come into the lab to visit with his “girls”; such times he was always dressed impeccably in his suit. He would take the girls out of their cages and bounce them on his knees, asking them to call him “Papa”.”
There is also the connection with the number 11, the name I am given El, plus the number of the hut at Auschwitz.
About 3 weeks after I had the experience above I was once again in the astral with a group of people who I was teaching to fly, (I often find myself doing this) I told them they had to be ‘light’ in their thoughts and feelings. In the distance I could see black smoke as if someone were bombing the countryside. I told the group that black smoke was usually a sign of negativity and that we had to go and investigate. I told them that if they felt in trouble to just fly up in the air, as the people in the place we were going to couldn’t fly. I told them it wasn’t difficult and that I had even done it in the physical reality, I seriously had a memory about being able to levitate at least for a few seconds, this memory certainly didn’t come from the life I’m focused in now.
We went over to the black smoke, I realised it was a prison camp and we had to free the people there, the building was like a stark, concrete apartment block. We had to get past the guards, one was actually a lovely young lady with a dog, she wasn’t aggressive at all but actually wanted to help us.
At this point I woke up.
The day after the above experience I was once again in the astral going through doors, one door seemed to lead to another, it continued for a while, then finally a door led me to a window, a kind of ticket kiosk, there was a lady who looked very similar to the above mentioned guard with a dog. Then I went into a dream, I had tickets for Joseph’s Multicoloured Dreamcoat, I was with my kids but they were still children. It was an audience participation show.
There is a song in this show called Close Every Door, you can listen and read the lyrics below.
“Close every door to me, Keep those I love from me, Children of Israel, Are never alone.”
” Just give me a number, Instead of my name, Forget all about me, And let me decay, I do not matter, I’m only one person, Destroy me completely, Then throw me away”
These lyrics hauntingly reflect the situation of the Jewish children.
So now we get to the audience participation I think this is saying that we all have to work on freeing these children from their nightmare, from their trauma, that we can all dream them free together – Any Dream Will Do.
Re-reading this has also brought something else to mind, that we have been strangling our inner child for a long time, we have been stifling the joy in a hearts, joy of life. We need to start nurturing our hearts and feeling that joy we have felt as innocent children, it is through our hearts that we will evolve, here lies our connection to the Divine.
Go to sleep one day this week with positive feelings for the children in Hut 11, fill yourself with childlike joy and direct it their way and also your way, whatever is happening in your life try to find a reference point for joy and build on that.
If you’d like to join my free community, you’ll find me at astralwings.podia.com. Hope to see you there!
Thanks for listening/reading.
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