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What a nice surprise this morning, a sign things are calming down after the summer, I also think recording a quick podcast episode recently helped get my mind focused on astral projection again.
I am laying in bed and I feel the usual sensations that I am in the mind awake/body asleep state, though I don’t feel as if I am me in my bedroom here in Italy, I’m someone else but still me lol, if that makes sense. I leave my body and immediately find myself in the astral. I shoot up in the air and look down, below me is a young man, roundish face and short hair, and he is also me. I feel I have his appearance. I’m so happy to be out-of-body we look at each other, we are both happy, then I fly off. I feel that I’m looking for someone or something, there is some sort of conflict going on, not a war, more an underlying conflict that needs resolving. There is a lady sitting at a desk and she is checking people through into a sort of work tunnel. I am with a group of women who are all dressed in white robes, totally covered from head to foot I don’t see their faces. The lady at the desk has dark hair and is bigger than the women, I too am bigger.
In some way the lady with dark hair represents the authorities, the ones who are keeping the women under control. I tell the women that they mustn’t go and get checked in and go down the tunnel but they don’t listen they think it is the only way they can be free. The lady with dark hair becomes aware of me and doesn’t want me there, I fly off and find myself in a glass building with the lady with dark hair. I vaguely remember flying through a window into a town but the memory isn’t clear and I don’t remember any more.

I often find myself inthe mind awake/body asleep state in other bodies, sometimes a version of my own as in Ali, sometimes someone else, though I think probably another me, from another life. A week or so ago I watched the film ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’, it was a bit confusing at times, a little difficult to follow if you got distracted, but I can appreciate the concept. Thousands of universes all happening at the same time with different versions of the same people, the appearance of the different versions was always the same though they were living different types of lives, with the same people, so if I were to make a correlation it could be said that each was a probable self living a possible life on a different timeline. Seth talks about probable selves, for anyone that isn’t aware Seth is an entity channeled by Jane Roberts a while ago now. The film ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ is slightly different from the film ‘Cloud Atlas’ which depicts 6 different lives of the same essence, which are completely different in appearance and personality, male and femaile, so rather that probable selves they were other lives.
All rather confusing, maybe I shouldn’t bring the entertainment industry into this lol however, I do believe that our films and tv often do depict certain truths though maybe a bit distorted in order to be entertaining. You just have to look at the film ‘Matrix’ and how by many it is considered a documentary rather than fiction, but we won’t go into that.
So how is all this relevant to my OBE, well the films deal with how all the probable selves, or lives, can influence each other, in both negative and positive ways, I believe this is true. In some way we are in contact with ALL of who we are, for this I often wake up in the mind awake/body asleep state of other versions of the Ali me, or other people who are not the Ali me but are other mes from other lives with a different appearance. In this way we can all help each to work through our shadows, each me has different skills and abilities which we can connect with and use to lift up the total of who we are into a higher vibration.
Realising this and trying to make the connection can have a knock on effect and help wake up other yous who may still be unaware of the multiplicity of life. As individuals we can help transmute any negativity that we may have caused in other lives, or as probable selves, and this in turn will help the whole of humanity out of the tunnel we have been in for a very long time. This is how important you are.
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